Tips for Healing fromTendinitis & Muscle Strains
Learn easy tips on how to recover more quickly from sports injuries, muscle strains and tendinitis. You can help yourself to speed up your healing with minimal time and effort!
What is Your Attachment Style?
Have you ever wondered about frustrating or “unhealthy” patterns in your relationships? Are you caught in the same repeated arguments with your partner/spouse?
How are Chronic Pain and Mental Health Connected?
Do you ever notice you get a stomach ache before a tense meeting at work? Or maybe you get a headache after a fight with a family member? Have you ever wondered what comes first: stress or body aches?
Can Therapy Help After Medical Trauma
Countless people have had negative experiences in medical settings. You may still feel emotionally devastated after a serious illness or injury, especially if your doctors overlooked your symptoms when you sought treatment.
Somatic Experiencing Can Help Release Past Trauma, Here's How
When you live through a traumatic experience, you may not be able to fully let go of what happened. You might feel like you haven’t fully moved on from what happened.
How Do Concussions Impact Mental Health?
If you’ve ever sustained a concussion, you know that this type of injury is physically painful. A concussion that goes untreated can have long-term, negative implications for your mental health.
What Are The Benefits Of Craniosacral Therapy?
Many people struggle with physical pain, day in and day out. They may know exactly what caused it, or they might not be able to identify the source of their pain.